In the ever-evolving landscape of the Internet of Things (IoT), security, versatility, and efficiency are paramount. MICROEJ VEE app container introduces Multi Sandboxed Apps, revolutionizing the way IoT devices operate.
Containerized apps (a.k.a. sandboxed apps) redefine the way your IoT devices operate by securely isolating applications from the underlying OS/RTOS, creating a secure environment. This transformation brings a host of advantages, from enhancing device reliability to accelerating your product development process.
Discover how MicroEJ containerized apps can empower your IoT devices and take your business to new heights.
MicroEJ technology offers containerization capabilities available on low-cost, low-power devices running RTOS on microcontrollers and on more powerful devices running Linux on application processors. This unique capability makes it possible to rationalize your product development with one software platform that offers Android-like capabilities across your whole product range. Other benefits of multi sandboxed apps include:
App containers encapsulate an application and its dependencies, making apps highly portable. Containerized apps run consistently across different environments, from development to production, regardless of hardware variations.
Ecosystem enablement
Accelerate innovation by securely opening your IoT device to third-party developers. MICROEJ VEE’s multi-sandboxed containers provide environments and privilege scoping, allowing developers to create apps for your device without compromising security.
Enhanced Device Reliability
With secure app off-loading, a single malfunctioning app cannot disrupt the entire system. The malfunctioning app will be stopped, and the device will keep running without having to reboot the whole system. This way, your IoT device remains reliable, ensuring a seamless user.
Leverage Legacy Assets
Capitalize on your existing software assets and IPs by containerizing legacy apps. This approach saves time and effort while extending the life of your valuable software investments.
Embrace a software-defined approach with multi-sandboxed apps for faster development and cost savings. Say goodbye to outdated processes and welcome a realm of agility, flexibility, and innovative business models.