MicroEJ Virtual Execution Environment (VEE), is a standard, safe and secure container for embedded systems platform capable of running on any processors including microcontrollers (MCU), microprocessors (MPU) and System on Chip (SoC).
MICROEJ VEE acts as a software container that runs on any OS/RTOS commonly used in embedded systems (FreeRTOS, Zephyr Project,QP/C, ucOS, ThreadX, mBed OS, Mbed OS, VxWorks, PikeOS, Integrity, Linux,…) and can also run without RTOS (bare-metal) or proprietary RTOS.
MICROEJ VEE includes the small virtual processor MEJ32 (a 32-bit virtual core), along with a wide range of free libraries.
VEE container for embedded systems, MEJ32 and Free libraries