Boston, December 31th, 2019. Today, MicroEJ is releasing the new V5 version of its free Studio, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for embedded software design, based on multi-languages, multi-libraries, and multi-app secure containers. It represents two years of intense efforts in close collaboration with its ecosystem of partners, customers and developers, to optimize software assets creation related to domains such as Security, User Interface, Communication, Numeric, and Simulation.

“MICROEJ Studio V5” extends its leadership in comprehensive market segments, with special focus on IoT connectivity, wearables, energy, home and overall industrial sectors.
“MICROEJ Studio V5” is part of “MicroEJ SDK v5” to enable not only APP-oriented, but also the design of secure on-device platform. Whether you are an experienced embedded software developer or an enthusiastic beginner, this new V5 release introduces a powerful ecosystem of supported development boards, intuitive software programming tools, and extensive resources to start building secure and low power embedded products.
Some noticeable areas of continuous improvements towards de facto standardizations:
- Extended Silicon Portfolio for IoT
- Core Architecture: Xtensa, Cortex M33
- Silicon Vendors: NXP, Espressif, STM, Sony Spresense, VeriSilicon, Silicon Labs
- Standard IoT Connectivity and Security
- Wifi, BLE, GSM, USB
- X509, TLS1.3, secure web sockets, 1-way/2-way TLS comm.
- UX/UI wearable/smartwatches
- Drawing: Anti-Aliased, Thick arcs and lines, Unicode Emojis
- Round displays and reduced colors (LUTs)
- All open source, including Front Panel simulator (Virtual Device extension)
- Low Power management
- Improved memory management, Hard Realtime defragmentation
- Improved cross multi-languages interfaces (Java, Javascript,C, ASM, etc. )
- Software Ecosystem, Development Environment, Testing
- On-line automatic updates
- Built-in Continuous Integration Processes
- SystemView support (Segger)
- Optimized Heap Dumper with “following pointers”
- MEJ32 state dump
- JUnit Support
- Secure White Brand Application Stores
“MICROEJ Studio V5” and “MICROEJ SDK V5” are available for download from MicroEJ dedicated developer website:
To know more about MicroEJ Virtual Execution Environment (VEE), MicroEJ runtime for embedded systems, go to
About MicroEJ
MicroEJ is a software vendor of cost-driven solutions for embedded and IoT devices. We are focused on providing device manufacturers with secure products in markets where software applications require high performance, compact size, energy efficiency, and cost-effective development.
Today more than 120+ companies in the world with currently over 37 million products sold, have already chosen MicroEJ to design electronic product applications in a large variety of industries, including smart home, wearables, healthcare, industrial automation, retail, telecommunications, smart city, building automation, transportation, etc.
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