
The collaboration between MicroEJ and Facer unlocks the access to over 500,000 watch faces created by 40,000 designers and licensed brands to any smartwatch, including affordable, energy-efficient models. Read our press release to find out more about this partnership!

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Think Silicon

MicroEJ integrates NEMA®| pico VG into its application container MICROEJ VEE to provide smartphone-like UX experience on any MCU of the market. This partnership offers an ideal software solution for wearable & IoT graphics applications requiring high-quality fonts, shapes, and maps.

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MicroEJ collaborates with Morisawa, Japan’s leading font foundry, to deliver impeccable UI/UX experiences on smart electronic products thanks to beautifully designed TrueType and raster fonts that guarantees optimal readability, attracts attention, and conveys brand personality.

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MicroEJ and Verisilicon synergy complement the “Silicon Platform as a Service” (SiPaaS®) concept with the “write-Software-once, run-it-on-any-silicon-product,” provide manufacturers a turnkey solution to design rich user interfaces experiences on resource-constrained embedded devices.

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