A unique face to the world!


Logo MicroEJ


IS2T changes its identity and becomes MicroEJ


In order to clarify and strengthen its identity and present a unique face to the world, our company Industrial Smart Software Technology (IS2T S.A.) is now operating under the brand name MicroEJ®.


A new brand: MicroEJ

We wanted to change the brand name to bring a touch of modernity and be better understood as a brand.

On the one hand, there is the term “Micro” which supports the fact that MicroEJ is a software solution for any embedded electronics; especially optimized for low power and low cost smart devices.

Then you have “EJ” for Embedded Java and MicroEJ includes a record-breakingly compact Java virtual machine which is the smallest in the industry: a 32-bit virtual processor core.


The company legal name remains IS2T

Although the company legal name is still IS2T and will be used in formal documents (contracts, agreements, quotations, etc.), the company will present itself as MicroEJ.

As a consequence, the IS2T logo and name will no longer be used in our communications. All is2t.com web and email addresses will be redirected to microej.com that we’ll use as our primary domain name.


We thank you for doing business with MicroEJ!

Additional Resources


Watch “MicroEJ The Tiny Sibling of Android” video


MicroEJ is positioned as the tiny sibling of Android™ for connected objects