MicroEJ S.A. is a holding company incorporated under the French law in the form of a Société Anonyme avec conseil de surveillance et directoire with a capital of €144,220 registered under number 452 870 579 00037 (RCS- Nantes) under the name Industrial Smart Software Technology (IS2T). Its registered office is located at :

11 rue du Chemin Rouge
44373 Nantes Cedex 3, France, Europe.
Siret : 452 870 579 00037

MicroEJ Inc, a subsidiary of MicroEJ S.A., is located at :

185 Alewife Brook Parkway, Suite 210,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138, USA

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All such modifications will apply to all users, who are expected to consult these general conditions of use each time they connect.


MicroEJ®, MEJ32™, IS2T®, VeeWear®, MicroUI™, Wadapps™ Kifaru™ MicroJS™ and all associated logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of MicroEJ in France, Europe, United States or other Countries.

Java™ is Sun Microsystems’ trademark for a technology for developing application software and deploying it in cross-platform, networked environments. When it is used in this site without adding the “™” symbol, it includes implementations of the technology by companies other than Sun. Java™, all Java-based marks and all related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems Inc, in the United States and other Countries.

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This agreement shall be governed by the Law of France. The Court of Nantes shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes relating to this site.

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The terms of privacy can be found here.

Editorial Director : Marie Lechantoux
Web Host : OVH 140 quai du Sartel 59100 Roubaix, France, Europe