Take Advantage of Seamless IoT Connectivity with Google Cloud Platform with MicroEJ

The pace of change is accelerating. Hardware gets very diverse, and Cloud API’s changes continuously as Cloud providers constantly offer new features and fix security problem. Solving cloud connectivity on each and every kind of devices can quickly become a barrier to faster productivity growth. MicroEJ’s partnership with Google Cloud takes care of the “plumbing” between your device and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for a seamless IoT connectivity.

MicroEJ’s partnership with Google Cloud takes care of the “plumbing” between your device and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for a seamless IoT connectivity. That way, you never have to worry about updating or changing the firmware that sits at the bottom of your product.


Video Credit: © Gonin/Adobe Stock


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Additional Resources

Google Cloud Platform


Google Next Conference: Zebra Technologies shares its IoT transformation with MicroEJ and Google Cloud Platform

MicroEJ sibling of Android for Embedded and IoT Devices


MicroEJ is positioned as the tiny sibling of Android™ for IoT devices

Android Embedded Systems


Android Compatibility Kit: Design Android compatible apps for small MCUs/MPUs